Do you wish to reach your potential in all areas of your life?
Using the COMPASS© Goal Achievement Programme, you will
actively set and map out the professional and personal life
you desire, as well as detail practical and tangible ways to
achieve your goals.
Options include completing self study at your own pace or
partnering one on one with Tom via Skype or the telephone.

Our main offerings include:
COMPASS Starter Package
Initial four hour COMPASS Goal Achievement Programme(c)
Two telephone / Skype based coaching sessions
Membership to the COMPASS Club(c) for one month allowing you direct access to Tom Mon - Sat
30 Day COMPASS Intensive Challenge
Initial four hour COMPASS Goal Achievement Programme(c)
Three one on one coaching sessions with Tom O'Neil
Three telephone / Skype based coaching sessions
Membership to the COMPASS Club(c) for two months allowing you direct access to Tom Mon - Sat
Three month COMPASS Accountability Package
Initial four hour COMPASS Goal Achievement Programme(c)
Four one on one coaching sessions with Tom O'Neil
Eight telephone / Skype based coaching sessions
Membership to the COMPASS Club(c) for four months allowing you direct access to Tom Mon - Sat
Six month COMPASS Accountability Package
Initial four hour COMPASS Goal Achievement Programme(c)
Ten one on one coaching sessions with Tom O'Neil
Fifteen telephone / Skype based coaching sessions
Membership to the COMPASS Club(c) for seven months allowing you direct access to Tom Mon - Sat
Twelve month COMPASS Accountability Package
Initial four hour COMPASS Goal Achievement Programme(c)
Twenty one on one coaching sessions with Tom O'Neil
Thirty-one telephone / Skype based coaching sessions
Membership to the COMPASS Club(c) for thirteen months allowing you direct access to Tom Mon - Sat
Coaching with Tom is available face to face, or internationally via Skype, Google Hangouts or telephone.
As Tom's one on one life and executive coaching calendar is very limited due to demand, please contact him on (+64 9) 235 8484 or email tom@TomONeil.com to discuss availability directly with him.